
Thank you for participating in our Relational Studies course. The students will post questions below, weekly. Please respond to all questions by pressing the comment link associated with each question. We will be looking at the differences and similarities between answers. Make sure you click on Older Posts at the bottom of the page as many of the questions will be on the next page.

Thank you again for sharing with our students!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Many of you have said that you one of you, as parents, has stayed at home for a period to care for your children. How did you decide which parent would stay at home?
Tell us about your first date.
How do you give feedback to your spouse if you don't agree with something they've said or done?
In teenage relationships, it is difficult to sometimes let a potential partner know when you do or do not have feelings for them. What do you think is the best to communicate your feelings?
Do you and your partner share similar interests? If not, how do you manage that?
Our school recently attended a bullying training, how would you as parents handle a situation in which your child is being bullied?
Our school recently attended a bullying training, how would you as parents handle a situation in which your child is being bullied?